About Me

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Thirst for knowledge. Research everything I don't know about and promptly forget half. I like clothes I can't afford and always pick the odd piece of cutlery. This blog is an eclectic mix of everything fabulous from around the world and an assortment of my thoughts.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birdy Bird-sta

Today I encountered a lady with bright red hair (the colour that people who consider themselves arty seem to fancy) on most of her head. I say 'most of' because the fringe part was platinum blonde. I am sorry to say that I immediately judged her. She was smack bang put in my category of "women who have bad hair to make them look younger and coloured plastic glasses because they think they are trendy". I was right about the plastic glasses part. They were red frames with green arms and little rhinestones in the corner. I immediately presumed that she was single, reads romance novels (and cries whilst reading them) and that her computer/ phone background was either a photo of a cute animal or inspirational quote.

This category-putting-into-upon-meeting got me thinking. Actually, it got me paranoid for a good hour and a half. What category do people put me in? Am I stuffed straight into the 'ordinary' box? I thought about this for ages and then started analysing what I wear and how it isnt synonymous with how I act and think. I wear quite boring everyday clothes. But I dont think I think in a boring manner. Do people think Im boring and (shock horror) ordinary?! Can you see how the paranoia started?

I wish I could conclude this post with an inspirational ‘don’t worry about what other people think’ quote, but I can’t. I always think about what other people think. That’s probably one of the main reasons I am studying psychology (bleh... trust me, I am craving creativity). I guess all in all, only you would know what kind of a person you really are and if people box you into a category, you can always surprise them and force them to change their thoughts or perceptions of you.

Still be you though! If you are the single, cat loving, coloured glasses wearing women and you are happy and comfortable with it... rock that look!
I guess, I can conclude with a still positive (but not sickly motivational), rock your original look and own it baby!

Love x

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