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Thirst for knowledge. Research everything I don't know about and promptly forget half. I like clothes I can't afford and always pick the odd piece of cutlery. This blog is an eclectic mix of everything fabulous from around the world and an assortment of my thoughts.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do it

'be true to who you are'
You have to be. Its one of lifes rules that I try to live by as much as I possibly can. There is no point trying to be someone else, trying to be happy when you are having a crap day (and then feeling worse when you see someone who is insanely trying to be happy... its just weird) or just trying to fit in somewhere because you feel like you have to. If youre not true to yourself, then its kind of like lying to everyone else.
Just be at peace within your mind and accept your own faults or whatever you feel guilty or bad about. If you feel that strongly, change it where possbile.
Even when I knew it wasnt going to be the best out come for me personally, I told my friend that he had to be true to himself and his emotions. There is no point hiding how you feel on the inside, people can tell if youre not being sincere. Its better to be true to your own feelings then to try and be someone that youre not.
Brains dont work that way. They will know youre lying, and so will others.

Just a) Be yourself
and b) Stay true to who you are

and thats the meaning of life. End.

Love x

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