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Thirst for knowledge. Research everything I don't know about and promptly forget half. I like clothes I can't afford and always pick the odd piece of cutlery. This blog is an eclectic mix of everything fabulous from around the world and an assortment of my thoughts.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The good ol' days

Now she looks like she is having some fun
I love these photos. The dresses and makeup inspire me. Women in those days seem so regal and elegant compared to the women of today. I feel like we should bring back the quality and beauty of vintage clothes. I want to start wearing gloves and hats again and doing my hair and makeup. There don't seem to be any sirens of the silver screen today. Sure there are beautiful women but they don't have the same feel and magnificence as the older ones. In those days apperance was vital. Hair was always done nicely, people wore hats and gloves and took summer vacations without relying on a mobile to catch up. There was actually conversation and interaction. Something that I am beginning to think is becoming increasingly rare. In modern times, and future times, will we ever need face to face communication? We have facebook now. And webcams. And all sorts of things that I probably don't even know about. Are people losing the ability to interact personally?

Manners seem to be lost as well as interpersonal communication. I rarely get a smile back or even a thank you for holding a door open. I never seem to hear people say 'thankyou' to the checkout chicks or ask 'how are you' back. I hear about the 'old-days' where people wrote thank you notes for presents which to me sounds so lovely.
Generally speaking, I find it amazing at the lack of awareness of some people regarding what is polite. I cannot remember the last time one of my friends has given a present to the host of an event, just as something to say thank you. I remember my parents receiving flowers or a bottle of wine from guests when they hosted a dinner or a party. I understand that my friends are students (as am I) but there are things that can just be put down to pure laziness. Not RSVP-ing to events, forgetting to buy a birthday gifts, not bringing a platter to a BBQ because it is too much effort, arriving without notice and staying well beyond what is normal... just to name a few!  
Am I being too uptight and expecting too much from people?

Wow, this post turned into a rant about manners.. judging from this, it seems I am going to be a grumpy woman who complains about future generations.

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