About Me

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Thirst for knowledge. Research everything I don't know about and promptly forget half. I like clothes I can't afford and always pick the odd piece of cutlery. This blog is an eclectic mix of everything fabulous from around the world and an assortment of my thoughts.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I'm moving to Denmark next year which is terrifying and thrilling at the same time. I keep reading conflicting things about the Danes. One article will say that they do not appreciate loud gestures and that they will not hide how they feel about you. Another will state that they are lovely, friendly people who will welcome you. The third will say that they have a 'snobbish' view of foreigners and that it is hard to get into their close knit social circles. I realise that it is impossible to encapsulate a whole nation full of people with different political, social and economic views in one article but I am trying to get an understanding of social and cultural norms... which is proving very hard!

If anyone had ever visited Denmark, I would love to hear of your experiences there!

One thing is for sure, the Danes seem to have great style. Here are some of my favourite photos from Copenhagen Street Style

Naturally Gorgeous



Belt/ Yellow & Green/ Bag

Boyish Charm

Jacket/ Expression




  1. that denim shearling in the first image is bananas!!


  2. I love all of the outfits you featured, Denmark will be wonderful! Thank you for your sweet comment!
